Wednesday, July 22, 2009

ocupadisimo - crazy busy

No se de donde viene esa idea de que estar ocupadisimo o decir que se esta ocupadisimo es algo cool, pero siempre me parecio algo equivocado. En general la gente que dice estar muy ocupada esta tratando de ver como se organiza. No estan ocupados, estan desorganizados. La gente realmente ocupada siempre encuentra tiempo para lo necesario y sabe asignar sus prioridades.
En tanto, los desorganizados son los que no leen los e-mails no responden las llamadas telefonicas, dejan todo por la mitad y terminan en realidad dedicando gran cantidad de tiempo a reparar los danios (con enie, la misma que no encuentro ahora) que producen sus acciones y omisiones.
A short story that reflects how real leaders act: an israeli woman had lost her 19 years old son in a terrorist attack several years ago. At the burial, she confronted the Primer Minister, Ehud Olmert and angrily complained about his policies. He gave her his business card and told her as any politician would do in that situation: "call me if you ever need anything". Two years later, in the summer of 2006,the called "second lebanon war" was taking place and the woman, once more, wanted to express her strong disagreements about his policies. She took the business card, dialed Olmert's office phone number and left him a message. One hour later the phone rang: it was Olmert. They were discussing different issues about the (lack of purpose) second Lebanon war. He spoke to her for almost twenty minutes.
My conclussion: if a Prime Minister from a country at war can return a phone call, nobody has an excuse.

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