Friday, July 31, 2009

autoboicots parte I

What are the real intentions of someone when performing a certain action? We all know people who seem to contradict their own sayings and declared intentions through the execution of actions that are totally inconsistent with the stated purpose. To what extent are people aware of the implications of their actions?
These are the type of questions that I've been thinking a lot about lately. Not only when it comes to individuals but also when it relates to organizations, those strange creatures that even when were created and are managed by real people, sometimes they seem to be entities that act own their own, like some type of Frankestein, like a Golem that has the possibility of turn again its master.
La falta de consistencia entre lo que la gente declara que intenta/desea-se propone hacer y las consecuencias reales de sus acciones parecen ser algo bastante difundido. Proyectos que tentativamente seran geniales se transforman en fracasos estrepitosos. Ironicamente, en algun punto ciertos fracasos son una extrania forma de exito porque el individuo en cuestion esta en realidad castigandose a si mismo.
Me pregunto cada vez mas si para acceder a ciertas posiciones de liderazgo (empresarial, comunitario, politico) no deberia hacerse un test psicologico que garantizara cierta congruencia interna, ciertos acuerdos intrapersonales que al menos impliquen que esa persona que promete orden y estabilidad no va a terminar, generando caos.

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